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Choral Assessment – Listening Assignment (December 2011)

Writer: Barbara RetzkoBarbara Retzko

 Once a semester I record the singers in the Voorhees Choir at Rutgers University and create a listening assignment for them. They are to print my notes, listen to each recorded rehearsal track and prepare to make all of the proper changes in the rehearsals that lead to the final performance.

I also record my select high school ensemble but this semester I created a question/answer/response assignment for them. Rather then give them my notes; I turned my notes into questions. “What is wrong at m.23? How can you fix the pronunciation of the word BOUNDEN? What is the issue with the soprano entrance on page 3?” I also asked for paragraph responses “What was your overall impression of the recording? What are you working on to improve your contribution to the ensemble’s performance?”

They were graded on their responses. I was made immediately aware of the weak links in the group and was able to address their needs more directly.

I made the recordings available on our YouTube account as I recorded them on a Zoom Q3 recorder which is video/audio.

The next rehearsals were remarkably musical! Because I “tested” them on their material via this listening assignment, they invested in the concept of blend and balance, were very aware of their contribution to their section and the ensemble as a whole and were now willing to make the music come alive. It was a terrific assessment, one I will certainly use again.


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