Monday September 30, 2019

One month down. Nine to go.
Lately, I have been reflecting on the idea of sisterhood, (brotherhood) and neighborhood. I feel lucky to have a solid and dependable sisterhood of female friends who have my back, who listen and share and support and who love me unconditionally. That’s huge. Especially when life throws mud your way…I feel lucky to have a few “sisters” there who will help clean up the “mess”.
Mr. Rogers created a neighborhood. I’ve long since dreamed of creating my own. Wouldn’t it be cool to have your sisterhood or brotherhood living right next door…from whom you could borrow a cup of sugar or sit down for a beverage in the afternoon and just shoot the breeze? That would be exceptional. Kinda’ like dorm living was – without the freshman! We are all so insulated in our own homes and our calendars are so packed that it becomes a challenge just to find time to catch up with one’s ‘hood.
This is all I have today. Just a recognition and a shout out to my pals in the ‘hood.
Thank you, my ‘hood, for being there, in the background, when life throws mud; when we are all crazy busy. It’s important to recognize and remind each of you how very special you are – as often as I can.
Who are the treasured people in your ‘hood?
Thanks, as always, for reading.