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September 23, 2014

Writer: Barbara RetzkoBarbara Retzko

It’s a quiet Tuesday here at Ridge. Here’s what’s has happened this week…

  1. I have distributed school-owned Performance Apparel to my auditioned A Cappella Choir (black gowns, tuxes, cummerbunds, bow ties, suspenders and pocket squares – red! Guys are responsible for purchasing a tux shirt. Girls wear black knee-hi’s and black shoes).

  2. We have Back-to-School Night (one of two) tonight. My hand-outs are ready.

  3. I have placed an order for the Male and Female Voicings of Carmina Burana as the A Cappella Choir has agreed to join forces with the Westfield Symphony to perform it in May (additional choirs have also been invited).

  4. I am almost ready to post the monthly Birthday lists. (I have a Happy Birthday poster on the inside of the classroom door and I post a list of student birthdays by month). I used to distribute Happy Birthday pencils with lollipops but when I found a few of them on the floor after class, I got the hint.

  5. I have completed my Student Database from the Day One Info Form. When the kids submit to my Google Doc via the tinyurl, it makes the process quite simple.

  6. I have finished and submitted my Emergency Lesson plans for the Main Office.

  7. Choir t-shirts have been ordered for all the new additions to the program.

  8. Our Choir Festival (Choralpalooza) is scheduled (October 21st). Five area schools are invited. Clinician has been chosen and accepted (Chris Thomas from Rowan University). Afternoon all-sing selections have been chosen (Philip Phillips’ Home – all the guys from every school will sing with guitars a-strummin’ and Wilhousky’s Battle Hymn as the closer for the day.) The morning will be filled with every school getting a 25-minute time block to perform no more than two pieces and then receive an on-stage clinic and written comments from the other Directors in the room. Lunch for the Director’s is pre-ordered from the local deli and is on Ridge. All kids bring a brown bag lunch and Ridge kids bring in one dozen cookies, cupcakes or brownies for the lunchtime dessert bar – 40 feet of sugar…3/$.25!

Hope your week is going well.




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