Ridge HS is a Danielson School. Last year, I decided to put the Four Domains in my lesson plans with a brief supporting statement for each descriptor. I already had the 21st century Learning headers listed…Goals, Learning Activities, Differentiation, Resources and Assessments.
So, as it is my goal to blog about all I do and have done…here are the actual plans I submitted this weekend. If they are helpful, please feel free to use them.
As a follow-up, our A Cappella Choir retreat on Friday night was a huge success. This event gives me a chance to state my expectations – not only musically, but personally, for each singer. These students are the core of my program and they are responsible for setting the tone in all rehearsals and sectional classes. Morals and manners, honesty and trust, responsibility for all choices they make throughout the year. These values contribute to the overall success of each school year.
The retreat activities were also a big hit…THE TOP TEN REASONS WHY CHOIR IS MORE IMPORTANT THAT YOUR CELLPHONE was a hoot…some of the reasons
Choir never runs out of batteries
You can’t text and drive but you CAN sing and drive!
No wi-fi necessary
Music is free…cell service is not
You can lose connection with your phone, but you can’t lose connections in your choir family!
And the A-Z descriptors WHAT DO YOU GET OUT OF BEING IN CHOIR? were awesome! All in all, it was a terrific night!
So, the week will bring more individual voice testing to create Sectional classes and the first A Cappella Choir rehearsal.
Have a great week!
Thanks for reading!