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The end of Marking Period Four…

Writer's picture: Barbara RetzkoBarbara Retzko

I began this blog to chronicle and share the various activities and lessons I have used in my high school choral classroom.

Today was the last day of my thirty-fourth year of teaching.  It was a rough year in New Jersey between the weather causing delayed openings and snow days in excess of our allotment and testing and the new mandates for additional paperwork looking to justify and measure success in our classes.

My high school moved away from a mid-term and final schedule to a quarterly schedule.  Four times a year, the bell schedule was changed for five consecutive days, running two periods per day for 62 minutes so teachers could administer quarterlies.  In choir-land, for marking periods one and two, they needed to be pencil to paper.  (Refer to my April 18, 2014 post which is an article I published in November 2013 about the quarterlies).  I was not a fan.

For marking period 3, quarterlies were cancelled.  So were three days of Spring Break.

For this last marking period I was permitted to “show a video” and have a “spirited” discussion as my quarterly.   Because I do like to share things that I think are meaningful with my classes, I went on a search-and-find mission via YouTube and TedTalks.

These are the video clips I played, in order, for my ensemble classes.  Much to my surprise, there really WAS “spirited” discussion after watching each of them, especially the second clip! 

I changed the pace and lightened the load with the Bobby McFerrin clip (#3), followed by a demonstration of Vocal Percussion by Andy Frost of the British “Man-Band” called The Magnets.  Founder Nic Doodson was a past Choir President in my program and I have seen Andy in action and thought the kids would enjoy it.

I finished with the TedTalk by Eric Whitacre (#5) where he describes his journey into choral music and eventually to the creation of his virtual choirs.

This quarterly was a huge success!!  The kids actually wanted to continue the discussion the next day!  I was encouraged by their responses…it gave me a renewed faith that we have not completely squelched their ability to think and respond beyond the four corners of a marking period assessment.

The video links are listed, in order below.


TEDxDesMoines – Clare Barcus – Quit Trying and Triumph

Why taking choir kept me from being a Valedictorian: Austin Channell at TEDxColumbus

Bobby McFerrin: Watch me play … the audience!

The Magnets Drum Solo – Andy Frost

Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong



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