Good Morning!
Well, we have Back-to-school Night number 2 tonight…Jealous? Our administration blames limited parking so we already saw the parents of the grade 9 & 12 kids last week and grades 10 & 11 tonight. We have 1900 kids here…do other schools with that number of students have TWO nights? I would be curious.
Anyway, today’s tidbit will be another use of technology. A short while back, I asked the men of my select choir if they all had/can find their tux shirts for future performance. If not, I will place a new order. Did I get a resounding response? (You already know the answer…one kid, out of twenty, told me he had his in his closet).
So, I JUST emailed an assignment to them…FIND your TUX SHIRT and take a picture of you HOLDING IT and email it to me…due IMMEDIATELY. (No need to put it on). It will be easier than asking them to bring them in for proof!
I also set up my video testing assignment for the A Cappella Choir. I put music minus one Sibelius tracks (i.e.-WE THREE KINGS minus Soprano) into Dropbox of the pieces for which they are responsible with an assignment sheet that will be distributed on Monday night. 1-2 pieces due every week by midnight Sunday night until the end of the marking period. They download the tracks they need for their voice part. When recording, they need to make sure the minus one recording can be clearly heard and that they can be clearly seen. They can submit to Edmodo (preferred), a YouTube account we have created for that ensemble or on a flash drive. They are asked not to erase their submission until they have rec’d a grade back from me. I have also printed a copy of their respective parts for each piece (also through Sibelius) which will be copied for the number of people in each section to use as a grading sheet. (We have students who take “Office Practicum” who do the copying for us). Once graded, these sheets are then given to the Section Leaders to review with their section at their weekly Sectional.
And today, we’ll start to think about SGO’s. Woo-Hoo!
Have a good day!