And THANK YOU to Chris Russell for giving me a shout out from his blog!
I am a public high school Choral Director looking for like-minded individuals with whom to chat, vent, converse, share ideas and brain-storm! I have over 30 years experience in the high school classroom and if nothing else, would love to share tips and tricks of the trade that I have mastered along the way which are now making my job so much easier! I would love to serve as a mentor for choral directors who are new to the field and create an environment where I can express to them the love and passion I have found in this career. I would love to discover new uses for my iPad in the classroom and efficient ways to meet the newly-created assessment requirements in NJ!
Why blog? I served as a member of the NJ-ACDA Board of Directors in the capacity of R & S Chairperson for High School for nearly six years. One of our directives as a Board member was to write articles for the website, which I did. In the six years I served as R & S chairperson, I never once had anyone ask anything about high school choral music and I have no idea if anyone read my articles…
Here I am to throw years of experience on a screen for others to read and take away anything and everything that might help make their job a bit more rewarding and put a bit more time for LIFE back into their lives! I have found that I like to write about the things that have worked for me and I am hopeful that you will share in return.
So, “Welcome to my Blog!”